Bitcoin ATMs in California – LA, Sac, SF Crypto Machine Locations

Need to get started at one of Cryptobase’s California crypto machine

Bitcoin ATMs are by far the fastest and easiest way to trade cryptocurrency in California and you don’t have to be a financial whiz to get involved. A Bitcoin ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is a kiosk where you can purchase and sell cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin but also other currencies, using cash or credit. Cryptobase has lots of locations throughout the state of California where you can get started with Bitcoin and other currencies, like Ethereum.

Crypto trading first started in California around 2012. Since then, crypto has exploded in the state. Hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in Bitcoin by firms in California. The first crypto ATM in California was established shortly after bitcoin legalization in the state in 2014. The first crypto ATM was in Silicon Valley, where there is major support and enthusiasm for making cryptocurrency accessible, and many California crypto machine locations have been established.

There are currently about two thousand crypto ATMs in Los Angeles alone. It’s unknown how many exist throughout California. However, in 2021 the state was reported to have 11.75% of the crypto ATMs in the country, making it the number one most “crypto-ready” state. California has a high concentration of individuals interested in financial technology, meaning the potential market for this type of trading is very large and there’s significant support for crypto-supportive legislation. In addition, there is a large overall population and many major companies based in California. Its influence in both finance and technology makes it a perfect place for the crypto trading industry to continue to blossom.

Locating Bitcoin ATMs in California

Cryptobase has over thirty Bitcoin ATMs in Los Angeles, and more are on the way. If you are looking for fast, easy 24HR locations anywhere on the West Coast in California, a location near you is easy to find. Cryptobase’s machines are in most major cities in the state; Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. Whenever and wherever you need to access quick crypto trading, Cryptobase can provide an ATM location. Find an ATM close to you by looking at all of our Cryptobase locations in California.

The process for buying and selling cryptocurrency using a Bitcoin ATM is incredibly simple and convenient. It has never been so reliable and accessible to buy and sell cryptocurrency than at one of your local California crypto machine locations. Whether it’s at a Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Sacramento bitcoin machine location, you will have an easy time completing your transaction and getting started in the world of crypto whether you’re a crypto pro or just getting started.

Bitcoin ATM


How do you use California Bitcoin ATMs?

Is cryptocurrency legal in California?

Where can I find a crypto ATM near me?

What do I need to use at a Bitcoin ATM?

Why is Cryptobase the best choice for a Bitcoin ATM in California?

What type of cryptocurrency does Cryptobase ATM support in California?

How do you use a California Cryptobase Bitcoin ATM?

What Clients Say About Us

Bitcoin ATM in California is a secure way to transact cryptocurrency. It protects your privacy while trading Bitcoins. As an added advantage, I didn't have to worry about preparing all the verification and identification documents associated with online exchanges; with the Cryptobase Bitcoin ATM, I can verify my account easily and buy Bitcoins within minutes. The process has freed me from the bottlenecks common with online trade.


A friend introduced me to Bitcoin ATM in California, and I'm still grateful to him for that. The Cryptobase ATM is convenient and quite easy to use. You can buy and sell bitcoins in no time, and you don't need any complex verification before purchase. The whole process of using Cryptobase Bitcoin ATM has made transactions easier for me.


I didn't have to worry about the security of my transactions using Bitcoin ATM in California. The Cryptobase Bitcoin ATM kept all my information secured and encrypted. I am impressed with the speed of delivery. I didn't have to wait for days or weeks for my account to be approved for transactions. I had a wonderful experience using Bitcoin ATM, and I will use it again.
